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Streamline your sales process with GlassHive
Streamline your sales process with GlassHive

How can you gain efficiency?

Erika Sanchez avatar
Written by Erika Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

When it comes to your sales process, there's likely a lot of moving parts that are needed to be successful. GlassHive provides multiple features that can be automated to save your sales team time and keep the sales process going.

Sales process

Following a sales process helps your sales team to stay on track and consistent.

A common example of a sales cycle is:

  1. Prospecting initial contacts

  2. Qualifying

  3. Assessment

  4. Sales pitch or product/solution

  5. Proposal and handling objections

  6. Closing

  7. Follow up and repeat

Let's check out some of the features in GlassHive that make the sales process easier.

Bulk action emails

  • Bulk action emails allow you to separate contacts into certain lists based on the criteria you wish to have them meet. That could be their sales status, title, or even the date of the last contact activity. You're also able to send emails to a certain group of people based on if they opened a previous email or not. This saves your sales team time by not having to manually follow up with each prospect one by one.

  • This feature helps with the prospecting and qualifying stages of the sales process.

Access to templates

  • Rather than writing an email from scratch, email templates save your team time by sending out a tailored message based on the action of the prospect. You're able to follow up with a template and easily edit the email if needed. This feature makes the follow-up process easier and more efficient.

  • This feature helps with the prospecting, qualifying, and sales pitch stages of the sales process.


  • With this feature in GlassHive, your sales team is able to keep on pace with where the conversation is at with different prospects. The journaling feature almost acts as a measuring stick in some ways. Each contact should have 7-12 touches. Journaling allows each salesperson to easily see how much effort they have put into this prospect based on certain actions. In addition to keeping a log of what actions are taken for an individual salesperson, it also allows the rest of your sales team to know what's going on. If multiple salespeople are communicating with one person, each communication is recorded with notes about the interaction so everyone is on the same page.

  • This feature can be valuable in the follow-up stage of the sales process because another salesperson will know exactly what has previously been talked about.


  • This feature allows your sales team to cater certain content to certain people. GlassHive offers templated journeys that are fully built out and determine which end users receive different types of content based on their actions but your sales team is also able to build out their own based on their strategy. During each step of the journey, you're able to add notes to that step as well. Say a salesperson has a task to make a phone call. GlassHive offers a message section with notes about talking points about where they are in the journey so they can confidently follow up.

  • This feature helps with the prospecting, qualifying, and assessment stages of the sales process.

Bulk action contacts

  • With the ability to move and organize contacts with bulk actions, it saves you time instead of manually editing contacts one by one. Depending on what criteria you want to classify each list by, you can do so. For example, moving CEOs into one list, you can tailor content to what they would find relevant compared to a CFO and so forth.

  • This feature helps with the prospecting stage of the sales funnel.

Collateral library

  • With the collateral library, your sales team can supplement follow-up emails with value-based content such as blogs, whitepapers, or eBooks. This strategy allows your sales team to not come across as pushy or just trying to close a sale. By providing this helpful content, the prospect will be able to better connect with your brand and build a relationship with the salesperson beyond the sales process.

  • This feature helps with prospecting initial contacts, qualifying, assessment, and sales pitch or product/solution stages.

Easily organize contacts

  • In GlassHive, contacts are organized in a way that is easy to view. You're able to move certain columns into a single screen view so you can see the important aspects you're measuring. This table view provides the status, score, position, company and so much more so you don't have to find this information in multiple places.


  • GlassHive provides a score for each contact. The score is established based on the actions the prospect takes. For example, if an email is sent out and the prospect clicks on a link, that's "one point." But if they fill out a form, that is "five points." This helps your sales team determine which prospects are interacting with content based on a numerical basis.

  • This feature helps with prospecting and assessment.

Connect to your PSA

  • Think of GlassHive as the platform used at the top of the sales funnel. You're using the platform to communicate with leads, create brand awareness, and build a relationship with prospects. GlassHive is integrated with ConnectWise, AutoTask, Halo, and several other PSA's. This seamless integration allows GlassHive and your PSA to seamlessly connect allowing the entire sales funnel from start to finish to be recorded.

  • This feature helps with the proposal stage of the sales process.

Sales performance reports

  • Your sales team can actively measure their performance based on real-time reports from GlassHive. Each salesperson can see how they're doing each month and how they are measuring up to top performers on the team. This transparency creates a friendly competition between team members and gives insight into strengths and weaknesses for each member of the team.

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