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Qualified Lead Management Overview
Qualified Lead Management Overview

How to manage your Leads in GlassHive.

Giovanni Sanguily avatar
Written by Giovanni Sanguily
Updated over a week ago

GlassHive was built with a focus on clear and simple visibility. The goal is to enable you to manage and follow up with Leads more easily.

Before we begin lets define a "Qualified Lead": A Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) is a prospect who has shown a higher level of interest in your product or service than other leads, indicating they are more likely to become a customer. MQLs are identified based on specific criteria or behaviors, such as engaging with marketing content, downloading resources, or even form submissions.

An MQL is more developed than a basic lead but hasn’t yet been fully vetted or engaged by the sales team. They are considered ready for further nurturing, often passed on to the sales team for direct outreach, with a higher likelihood of conversion due to their demonstrated interest and engagement.

Understanding Qualified Lead information.

  • GlassHive gives you the ability to access relevant information on Contacts, Leads, & Qualified Leads at a glance.

  • To access Qualified Leads, select the Sales or Marketing Tab then select "Qualified Leads"

Lead Temperature and Score

  • To help you prioritize follow-up efforts we added a Lead temperature feature. Leads that engage with your marketing efforts are now, Qualified Leads. The temperature gets updated every 30 days.

  • The Lead Score is a point system based on the actions Leads have taken as a result of your Marketing efforts. It's designed to help you quickly determine how engaged a particular Lead is with your products or services.

  • Check out the article on Lead Score to get more information on how Lead Scores are calculated in GlassHive and what they should mean to you.

Contact Status

  • Each of your contacts can be given a status. A Lead's status helps you organize your Leads and better understand where Leads are at a glance.

Contact Information

  • You will also be able to see all the contact information such as the email, name, and title. For a more detailed overview, look at each individual contact profile page by clicking on their name.

Date of Latest Lead Action

  • In the date column, you'll find the date of the latest activity that Lead has performed. This helps you organize your follow-up. We recommend starting with the Leads with the most recent activity.

Activity Logs

  • The activity log includes any recent action taken by the Lead and any activities your Sales/Marketing team has performed to win their business.

  • Within this page you can also select "Log Activity" to record a follow-up activity without leaving the page.

Contact Picture

  • A picture is worth a thousand words. I've never met a sales professional who enjoys following up with a list of faceless prospects to win sales. We've added the ability to add pictures for your Leads so you know who you're communicating with.

    As an added bonus, GlassHive has an automated market research feature that can find a picture for you.

Social Media Icon

  • This comes in handy. GlassHive displays the social media profile for all of your Contacts—as long as that Lead has a social profile.

  • If the Lead has a profile in the system, the icon will turn blue. You can then click on the icon and a new tab will open directly to their social profile. From there, you can do more research on them.

Sales Rep

  • In this column, you'll see the profile picture of the sales professional assigned to the Lead.

Quick Edits

  • Hover over a Lead, you will have the ability to edit or delete the contact's information using the drop-down.

Bulk Actions

  • With bulk actions, you can execute numerous actions for multiple contacts at the same time. Select Contacts and perform actions like, changing their status, bulk emails, merging, deleting, exporting, assigning leads to a sales rep or list.

Sorting & Filtering Contacts and Leads

  • Sort any of the columns by clicking on the up or down arrows next to the column name

  • You can also filter by many of the columns as well.

Will my clients be shown as leads if they click through the campaigns?

It's recommended that you put your clients in a list that is not marked as a "Leads" list. This way, even when they engage with your marketing they will not be considered Leads. Leads that click through campaigns are considered Qualified Leads. You will be able to see their activity if they have taken action on any of your campaigns such as newsletters or communication alerts that you are sending through the marketing platform.

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