First Thing's First: What Is A Journey?
A Journey is an automated workflow of emails that can make a marketer and salesperson's life easier. You can build them to manage customer loyalty, increase engagement, and build long-term relationships.
This article will walk you through more of the specifics, but at a high level, you can perform the following automated actions with Journeys:
Send an automated cadence of Emails
Check Conditions for specific email interactions (such as opens and link clicks), which can trigger additional workflows for your Contacts
Update a Contact's Status, associated List(s), and assigned Salesperson
Assign follow-up Tasks to a Salesperson for a Contact
Logic of Journeys
Journeys are driven by Lists. Lists within GlassHive can be assigned to a journey so that all contacts that belong to a designated list go through the Journey steps.
You can also add individual Contacts to Journeys directly if desired. For the purpose of this article, we will focus on the most popular use-case of using Lists for Journeys.
Read about adding Contacts to Journeys here if you're curious to learn more!
Instructional Video
Below is an in-depth instructional walkthrough of creating Journeys. We suggest watching this and following along in your GlassHive account in another window! (If you don't have time to watch, keep scrolling down for a written overview of Journeys)
Getting Started
Build a Journey ✏️ from scratch, or 📂 from a template
You can build your Journey step-by-step on your own from scratch, or you can choose use an existing structured Template provided by GlassHive and make edits to it as desired.
✏️ Build A Journey From Scratch:
Click the Automations Icon on the lefthand navigation bar within GlassHive, and select Journeys. From here, click "Create a Journey".
Name your Journey, select which List(s) you want to use for your Journey, and if applicable, select a category. Click "Save".
From here, you will be brought to the Journey Designer. It will begin as a Blank Canvas showing you that adding a contact to a List will trigger the Journey at the top.
You can hover over this and click on "edit" if you want to view what list is being used, or change which list(s) feed into the Journey.
Start by adding a Delay, Email, Contact Update, Condition, or Task depending on your desired outcome. The most popular choice of our users is to start by adding an initial Email.
Create An Email
Enter in your Step name and Campaign setup information, just as you would for an individual email Campaign. You can choose to create an email from Scratch or from a Template. More info on how to set up your Email Marketing Here
Create A Delay
You can use a delay for 2 purposes: 1) to simply set a cadence for when your next email or action is set to occur in a linear fashion, or 2) prior to checking the email for a condition such as link clicks
⚠️ IMPORTANT: It is HIGHLY recommended that you set a delay of at least 24 hours after each email. This is especially true if using a "condition" step that checks for opens or clicks. This allows the journey time to send the email - it may take a few minutes depending on server traffic - and this allows the user time to receive and open the email. It is very rare that someone opens an email immediately upon receipt.
If you do not create a delay to check a condition after sending an email, the system will immediately check those conditions once the email is sent out and will not capture any opens/clicks that may occur. As a result, all Journey participants would be considered to have not engaged with the email.
Click on the Plus sign and select "Delay". Then, click on edit icon to set a delay duration. Again, it is important that a delay of at least 1 day (24 hours) is added before the next email or condition
Add A Condition
Click the plus sign button and select "Condition"
Use conditions to create a logic tree for your Journey participants. You can check for 2 types of conditions:
1) Subscriber Details (Name, Email Address, Date Subscribed)
2) Journey Activity (Opened, Clicked, Specific Link Click, Opens and No Clicks)
⏰ Another reminder here that a minimum delay of 1 day (24 hours) MUST be added before Journey Activity conditions.
Update A Contact
Click the plus sign to add a new step and select "Contact Update"
Hover over the edit icon to the right of the Contact Update step to designate which type of update you would like to make
You can change a contact's status, add them to a List, remove them from a List, or assign them to a Sales Rep within GlassHive
Create A Task
Click the plus sign to add a new step and select "Task"
Hover over the edit icon to the right of the Task step to designate which type of task you would like to make
Add in your Task Title, Task Type, the GlassHive salesperson who will be assigned the task, due date, and Description.
🏗️ Continue Building!
You can continue to add in any of the above steps in the structure you would like for your Journey workflow! Once you're happy with your workflow, you can Enable it.
Enable Your Journey
Once your Journey is looking good, you will want to Enable it. This will set the Journey live and start putting your designated contacts through the steps you created!
At the top right of your Journey Designer, click "Enable".
From here, you will be prompted to select the following information:
Include Current Contacts - You can designate that all contacts who are already in your selected list for the Journey be added to it and go through the steps by checking the checkbox. If you do not select this checkbox, the journey will only be sent to contacts added to the list(s) after the journey is enabled.
If you only want new contacts who are added to the list to be added to the Journey, keep the box unchecked.
When should the Journey Start? - Choose to enable the Journey Now, or Schedule for it to start at a specific date and time. You can specific the specific time and time zone for this to be scheduled out.
📂 Building A Journey From A Template:
You can also choose to use a Journey template that has pre-designated steps created for you.
Click the Automations Icon on the lefthand navigation bar within GlassHive, and select Journeys. From here, click on the "Included With Subscription" Tab.
You can browse various Journey Templates that GlassHive provides you with for free with your subscription:
Hover to the left of each Journey Template, then select from the Dropdown menu and select "Create A Journey". You can also choose to Preview it from here or save it to "My Templates" if you plan to reuse it down the line.
From here, you will be brought into the Journey Designer. The first aspect to specify is the Journey Name and what List (or Lists) are being used to feed contacts into the Journey. Hover over the first step, "Subscriber Joins List" to edit it.
Specify your Journey Name and what contact Lists you want to be added to the Journey. You can also add Categories to your Journey (optional).
You will be also shown how many steps you need to fill out with information in the top righthand corner. Click on "Steps incomplete" for a breakdown of what specific steps types need your attention.
Scroll down your Journey in order and hover over each necessary step to edit it. Click the pencil icon at the right to edit.
The Journey template Email steps will have pre-built templates created for you that you will simply need to enter your sender information for and review the content.
The Journey template Contact Update steps will require you click edit and designate which type of Contact Update to perform. The Journey template Task steps will require you to edit and designate a Task assignee within GlassHive.
Once all the necessary steps are filled out in your Template and it does not show any incomplete steps at the top right of your Journey, you are ready to enable it!
Enable Your Journey
Once your Journey is looking good, you will want to Enable it. This will set the Journey live and start putting your designated contacts through the steps you created!
At the top right of your Journey Designer, click "Enable".
From here, you will be prompted to select the following information:
Include Current Contacts - You can designate that all contacts who are already in your selected list for the Journey be added to it and go through the steps by checking the checkbox.
If you only want new contacts who are added to the list to be added to the Journey, keep the box unchecked.
When should the Journey Start? - Choose to enable the Journey Now, or Schedule for it to start at a specific date and time. You can specific the specific time and time zone for this to be scheduled out.