Lead Score

How the Lead Score is determined in GlassHive. How are Lead Scores broken down?

Erika Sanchez avatar
Written by Erika Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

What is Lead Score?

Lead Score is a point system that calculates the actions Leads have taken as a result of your Marketing efforts. It's designed to help you quickly identify how engaged a particular Lead is with your products or services.

How is Lead Score calculated?

Lead Score is determined in one of three ways:

  1. A Lead that clicks on a link that is included on the email marketing campaign will get 1 point.

  2. A Lead that submits a form on your website will get 5 points.

  3. A User can also upload a list with an initial lead score. When this happens the User can give a Lead as many points as they want.

  4. By editing the initial lead score on the contacts profile page

How are Lead Scores broken down?

HOT Lead - active for more than 30 days and has a score of 5 or more 

WARM Lead - active for more than 30 days and has a score of 1 - 4

COLD Lead - has not been active for more than 30 days or has a score of 0

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