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How do Contacts in ConnectWise sync into GlassHive?
How do Contacts in ConnectWise sync into GlassHive?

Can I use GlassHive Directly from ConnectWise?

Erika Sanchez avatar
Written by Erika Sanchez
Updated over 9 months ago

In order for contacts to sync from ConnectWise into GlassHive, the contact has to be apart of a Company that has the "Company Type" and has a "Contact Status" that was selected during the ConnectWise Integration Settings

The following items will sync from ConnectWise into GlassHive :

  • Contact's Name - First Name and Last Name

  • Contact's Information - Title, Email address, Phone number, City and State . NOTE : City and State will only sync if they are in the Contacts Profile page

  • Contacts Social Media - LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter (Click on social media icon to be redirected to social media website)

  • Company Information - Company Name, Approximate number of employees, Company website, Company Social Media websites (Click on any of these and you will be redirected to that page in order to get more information)

  • Contact ID  (Click on Contact ID in order to view company in ConnectWise)

  • Contact Status Type 

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