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All CollectionsIntegrationsConnectWise PSA Integration
Setting Up & Managing The ConnectWise PSA Integration
Setting Up & Managing The ConnectWise PSA Integration

ConnectWise PSA Integration

Erika Sanchez avatar
Written by Erika Sanchez
Updated over 2 weeks ago

How does the integration work?

Users will be able to import/export records by matching (or mapping) types. Importing could take an hour or more depending on the amount of records the user has in their ConnectWise account. Exporting will be faster than importing since only one contact/company will be uploaded at a time and could take a few seconds to several minutes. 

This process is not automatic by default.

Users need to click on import every time they want records to get imported from ConnectWise into GlassHive. To export from GlassHive into ConnectWise, users will need to go into the specific company and contact profile page to be able to export the records. You cannot bulk export records since the key here is to avoid sending clutter to ConnectWise and only send records that have an opportunity attached to them.


This process can be automatic upon a successful import of all ConnectWise records into GlassHive and then turning auto-syncing on. This will be covered more in-depth later in the article.

⚠️ Important: Whoa! You recommend a backup before turning on the integration? Why?

We highly suggest that you back up your data before initiating the integration!

The ConnectWise integration will sync information on both GlassHive and ConnectWise's side. When you have a large dataset in GlassHive and a large dataset in ConnectWise, there could be a huge disconnect between that data. Thus, when you turn on the integration, it will attempt to merge the differences, taking whichever record is more current (More recently updated).

You can mitigate this difference by uploading an export of your Contacts before turning on the integration. However, there is always a risk when merging large datasets that your Contacts and Accounts can change in ways you don't desire. This is why we always recommend a backup in case you aren't prepared for the changes that may occur.

The import will be done under your account settings

You must complete all the mapping in the following order: Connection ➡ Users ➡ Companies ➡ Contacts➡ Solutions ➡ Activities ➡ Opportunities

Every time you choose to manually import, you must go back to your account settings and click "Import" in the following order: Companies ➡ Contacts➡ Solutions ➡ Activities ➡ Opportunities



  • Import users by selecting role type. E.g. "No Types, Marketer, Salesperson,..."

  • You must click on "Invite" under your account settings, every time you want to invite new members. This will also link GlassHive users and CW users who have the same email addresses for their accounts.


  • Import companies by selecting company type E.g. " Prospects, No Type, Client,..."

  • If the company has several company types, GlassHive will only use the first company type to identify the company

  • Unlinked companies will be linked if the following matches: Phone Number ➡ Website URL ➡ Name. This will prevent duplicates


  • Import contacts by selecting contact type. Eg. "Educating, Working It,..." 

  • Contacts will be added to the list that was created based on the company type that the contact is associated with.

  • Contacts that are not a part of a company will also get imported.


  • Import solutions from ConnectWise by selecting the matching type, category, and billing of each solution.


  • Activities can only be mapped to Call, Email, Note, and Meeting.

  • The Contact in ConnectWise that has an activity will only get downloaded if the contact exists in GlassHive. If contact does not exist in GlassHive, the contact must get downloaded first. 

  • Activities created in ConnectWise must be created by a user in GlassHive


  • Opportunity syncing allows for the import/export of opportunity data such as: Type, Status/Stage, Line Items, as well as other details such as the value, contact, company, and notes.

  • Opportunities will only be linked to the salesperson if the salesperson exists in both GlassHive and Connectwise. All opportunities will download with or without having a salesperson linked to the opportunity.


The export will be done under the Contact/Company Profile Page

You will be able to export directly from the Company or Contacts profile page. All your mapping must be completed to be able to export records.

Manual Contact Export:

  • To export a contact profile from GlassHive into ConnectWise click "Send to ConnectWise" then you have the ability to select what data you would like to send from GlassHive to ConnectWise.

Manual Company Export:

  • To export a company profile from GlassHive into ConnectWise click "Send to ConnectWise" then you have the ability to select what data you would like to send from GlassHive to ConnectWise.

Will Inactive Contacts/Companies get downloaded?

Inactive Contacts will not get downloaded.

ConnectWise Automatic Syncing

  • Before enabling ConnectWise automatic syncing ensure that all of the aforementioned steps have been completed and all data synced from ConnectWise into GlassHive.

  • The auto-sync feature will allow the user to create or change data inside of GlassHive/ConnectWise and have it reflected in either system.

  • However, this auto-sync is not a mass migration of data rather it picks up individual changes of records and updates accordingly. For example, if a change is made to an active client record in ConnectWise that change will be picked up and automatically updated in GlassHive.

  • Auto-syncing only picks up changes on records that meet the aforementioned mapped fields. If a record is changed but does not meet the field requirements the change will not be reflected in either system.

  • Auto-syncing can also be a bi-lateral sync or a unilateral sync meaning that you can decide what records are always being checked and updated in the systems.

  • To setup auto-syncing select "Settings" from the ConnectWise integration dashboard.

  • From here you can decide if you would like to use manual syncing or enable auto-syncing.

  • Once selected you can then decide how where you want the data to be syncing from.

  • Once selected ensure you select "Save".

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