GlassHive’s Notifications keep users informed in real-time about crucial lead activities, ensuring no opportunity is missed. Whether it’s email opens, link clicks, or form submissions, users get instant alerts to engage leads at the right moment. Notifications also track quota progress, deal updates, and task reminders, helping teams stay on top of their goals. With proactive alerts, GlassHive enables faster follow-ups, better decision-making, and improved sales efficiency.
Event Notifications
New Leads - Personal notification that you've been assigned new leads
New Opportunity - Team notification that an opportunity has been created
Opportunity Won - Team notification that an opportunity has been won
Weekly Notifications
Leads Not Followed - Sent to all Admins and the user assigned to the leads that have not been interacted with in 7 days
Sales Report - Admin Notification on all Sales activity done the previous week
Monthly Notifications
Lead Quota Hit - Sent to all Admins and Marketers on the status of hitting the Lead Quota for the month
Sales Quota Hit - Team notification on the status of hitting the Sales Quota for the month
Sales Below Threshold - Sent to all Admins and user when you missed your quota for the month
Click-throughs - Users must be assigned to contacts to receive notification
Contact Events
Contact Assigned - Personal notification letting the user know a new contact has been assigned.
Email Reply - Personal notification letting the user know a contact has responded to their email.
Email Open- Personal notification letting the user know a contact has opened their email.
Email Clicked - Personal notification letting the user know a contact has clicked
their email.
Task Assigned- Personal notification letting the user know a new task has been assigned.
Task Report - Personal notification letting the user know of all tasks to be completed that week.
Form Submissions
Form Submitted - Email will be sent to all users when a form is submitted
How to edit your Notification Settings
NOTE: Users or Account Admins can edit notification settings
To edit your notification settings select "Account" > "My Profile" > "Notifications"
From here you can edit how and when you will receive notifications from GlassHive.
Generally you will want the notifications to be set for work days & hours.