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Setting Up & Managing the Kaseya PSA Integration
Setting Up & Managing the Kaseya PSA Integration

Kaseya PSA Integration

Andrew Crespo-Roman avatar
Written by Andrew Crespo-Roman
Updated over a week ago

How does the integration work?

Users will be able to import/export records from GlassHive into Kaseya and vice versa . Importing will take an hour or more depending on the amount of records the user has in their Kaseya account. Exporting will be faster than the import since only one contact/company will be uploaded at a time and could take a few seconds to several minutes.

This process is not automatic.

Users need to click on import every time they want records to get imported from Kaseya into GlassHive. To export from GlassHive into Kaseya, users will need to go into the specific company and contact profile page to be able to export the records. You cannot bulk export records since the key here is to avoid sending clutter to Kaseya and only send records that have an opportunity attached to them

⚠️ Important: Whoa! You recommend a backup before turning on the integration? Why?

We highly suggest that you perform a backup of your data before turning on the integration!

The Autotask integration will sync information on both GlassHive and Kaseya's side. When you have a large dataset in GlassHive and large dataset in Kaseya, there could be a huge disconnect between that data. Thus, when you turn on the integration, it will attempt to merge the differences, taking whichever record is more current.

You can mitigate this difference by uploading an export of your Contacts before turning on the integration. However, there is always a risk when merging large datasets that your Contacts and Accounts can change in ways you don't desire. This is why we always recommend a backup in case you weren't prepared for the changes that may occur.

This article will show you how to set up the Kaseya integration with your GlassHive account, as well as how to map and send information back and forth between your two databases.

Kaseya Integration and Import Steps

  • Click on your profile icon on the bottom left of your screen.

  • Form the menu that appears, click "Account Settings".

  • Then, click "Integrations"

  • On the integrations page, hover over Kaseya and select "Start".

  • From the Kaseya integration management page, click the green "Connect" button.

  • You will be taken to the Connection page. From here, you can leave this tab open for now and login to your Kaseya account to create the information needed to enter on this page and make the connection.

  • While in your Kaseya account, go to the "Admin" section.

  • From the Admin menu, click and expand the "Security" menu options.

  • Then, select "Roles".

  • Once on the Roles page, click the "New" button.

  • You can name this "GlassHive API User" or anything else that choose.

  • Make sure to select the "Role Type" as "Internal".

  • Click "Save" to create the Role.

  • Once you've created the Security Role, the page will reload and now show Permissions settings. Make sure all the permissions match as displayed below. Make sure to click "Save" to implement the your changes.

  • Next, click and expand the "HR" menu.

  • Then, select "Employees".

  • From the Employees page, click the "New" button.

  • On the New Employee creation page, set the "User Type" as "Api Employee".

  • Fill in the rest of the information as seen below (except email, set that to an email of your own) and then click the "Save" button.

  • The page will reload and you will be able to then select "Security Roles".

  • Select the roles as shown below and click the "Save" button.

  • You will get an email to create a password for the API User. Once you have created all the credentials, go back to your GlassHive account on the tab you left open where you enter your Kaseya API User's credentials.

  • Fill all the necessary fields and then click the "Connect" button.

  • You'll get a green message that says "Kaseya Connection Successful" if everything was set up correctly.

  • Once you've successfully made the connection, go back to the Kaseya integration management page and click the "Start" button next to "Users".


  • Import users by selecting role type. E.g. "No Types, Marketer, Salesperson,..."

  • Here you will select what type of users from your Kaseya account you would like to be invited as users in you GlassHive account. Even if the user is already in GlassHive, you will want to complete the user "Mapping" and "Import" process in order for GlassHive to make an association to a user with a matching email in Kaseya and GlassHive.


  • Import companies by selecting company type E.g. " Prospects, No Type, Client,..."

  • If the company has several company types, GlassHive will only use the first company type to identify the company


  • Import contacts by selecting contact type. Eg. "No Status, Talking,..."


  • Opportunities will only be linked to the salesperson if the salesperson exists in both GlassHive and Kaseya. All opportunities will download with or without having a salesperson linked to the opportunity.

  • Only the Name and GlassHive opportunity status will get updated


  • Activities can only be mapped to Call, Email, Note, and Meeting

Exporting from GlassHive to Kaseya

The export will be done under the Contact/Company Profile Page

You will be able to export directly from the Company or Contacts profile page. All your mapping must be completed to be able to export records.

Contact Export:

  • The first option to initiate an export is to do it from a contact's profile. From a contact's profile you will see a button that says, "Send to Kaseya". Click that button.

  • You will then see a widget pop up to your right where you have options on what type of information to send. Select your desired options and click the "Send to Kaseya" button.

Company Export:

  • The first second to initiate an export is to do it from a company's profile. From a company's profile you will see a button that says "Send to Kaseya". Click that button.

  • You will then see a widget pop up to your right where you have options on what contacts within the company and what type of information to send. Select your desired options and click the "Send to Kaseya" button.

That covers how to connect your GlassHive and Kaseya accounts and how to import and export data from GlassHive. If you have any more questions about the Kaseya integration, please feel free to reach out to our support team.

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