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Autotask Integration: FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions the GlassHive customers have about the Autotask integration!

William Wettingfeld avatar
Written by William Wettingfeld
Updated over a week ago

Don't have Autotask set up yet? Please see Setting Up The Autotask Integration in GlassHive

Whoa! You recommend a backup before turning on the integration? Why?
The Autotask integration will sync information on both GlassHive and Autotask's side. When you have a large dataset in GlassHive and large dataset in Autotask, there could be a huge disconnect between that data. Thus, when you turn on the integration, it will attempt to merge the differences, taking whichever record is more current.

You can mitigate this difference by uploading an export of your Contacts before turning on the integration. However, there is always a risk when merging large datasets that your Contacts and Accounts can change in ways you don't desire. This is why we always recommend a backup in case you weren't prepared for the changes that may occur.

If I already have contacts in GlassHive and Autotask and turn on the integration, will that duplicate the contacts?

When we move Contacts and Companies from GlassHive to Autotask and vice versa, we do a check to see if that entry already exists.

  • Contacts are checked by email address

  • Companies are checked by domain, phone number, and name

This check mitigates the risk of duplicates, but there is no guarantee that it will catch all possibilities. Make sure to keep an eye out here!

When does my information populate in Autotask?

The integration process is not automatic.

Users need to click on "import" each time they want records to get imported from AutoTask into GlassHive.

To export from GlassHive into Autotask, users will need to go into the specific company and contact profile page to be able to send the records.

  • Exporting From Contact's Profile

  • Exporting From Company Page

Due to the volume of some data, it may take longer than an hour to see your information. If your data hasn't shown up within 4 hours, please reach out to support by live chat or

Will form submissions come in to Autotask?

Yes! They will appear as an Activity on the Contact that made the submission.

I did the sync but I'm not seeing any information in GlassHive.

This can be caused by a few things:

  • The sync takes time to pull in all the Contacts, Accounts, and Opportunities initially during the first pull of data.

  • You may not be looking in the right place. Contacts brought over from Autotask will not be added to a list. You can see all your Contacts via

  • To ensure that contacts, accounts, and opportunities sync over, you have to check that the mappings are correct in both GlassHive and AutoTask.

  • If you've waited over four hours and still see no data, please reach out to us via live chat or

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