Use GlassHive’s PSA integrations to manually sync your contacts and companies' information, activities, and opportunities from GlassHive to your PSA.
Simply click on the PSA integration button on the company or contact page.
Having the option to send over information when you're ready allows you to keep your Work OS up to date while using your PSA as a backend when you're ready to close your deals. This keeps both systems from being clogged with too much information so that you can focus on sales and marketing.
Company Page
Click on which PSA you want to send information to, currently we offer ConnectWise, AutoTask, Salesforce, Kaseya, Syncro, and Halo.
You have the option to send all records to update your PSA, then click ‘Next Step’.
Within seconds, your PSA will be updated with the information you sent over. Be sure that your mappings are set up correctly.
Contact Profile
Click on the PSA you want to send your contact’s profile information, activities and opportunities.
Once finished, click “Send to …”