Use cases for marketing collateral

Situations in which marketing collateral can be used

Erika Sanchez avatar
Written by Erika Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

Marketing collateral can be used for a variety of different reasons. Depending on your sales and marketing goals, determines the kind of content you are sending out. Let's check out some different situations in which marketing collateral can be used.

Building brand awareness

By using a variety of marketing collateral, your audience will begin to recognize your business in your specific industry. Brand awareness plants a seed in the user's head that even though they may not need your products or services at the present time, they at least know your capabilities and what you can provide in the future.

Providing helpful resources

Users are more likely to engage with your brand when you can offer a resource they can actually use rather than trying to bombard them with sales with every communication. Pieces of content such as a downloadable checklist, a comprehensive whitepaper about a specific topic, or an interactive infographic are all examples of ways to provide valuable content to your audience.

Drive leads to your website

Marketing collateral is not only used as a helpful resource but also a way for end-users to click to your website. Interlinking throughout an article with other pieces of collateral you've created in the past allows the reader to learn more about certain subjects while still staying on your website. By building this credibility, readers are more likely to take action.

Where is it located in GlassHive?

Finding the collateral library in GlassHive is super easy.

  1. Simply log in to your account

  2. On the left side click on "Marketing Collateral" icon

Here you'll be able to find existing content provided by GlassHive and also the Collateral Builder where you can create new content.

*Adding collateral to a button in the Collateral Builder:

1.Click on "Button"

2. Under button settings, you will see "Type of Link". Click the drop down arrow and you will see an option to add a link or collateral from your library. Click on "Collateral".

3. After you choose a collateral from your library, the link will automatically be added to your button.

*Adding Collateral to an Image:
1. Click on "Image".

2. You can upload a new image or choose from existing collateral.

3. After choosing an image, you can either add a URL or add from your collateral library.

4. Click on the drop down arrow and select "Collateral", then choose the one you would like to link.

*Adding Collateral in a campaign:
1. Start by adding a button in your campaign. You can add a URL or choose from Marketing Collaterals.

2. Also add collateral to an Image in your campaign. You can add a URL or choose from Marketing Collaterals.

Collateral library

The collateral library is where all your marketing collateral is stored. Your sales and marketing team can easily find content that has been created all in one place. You can search by title, format, or set up tags for easy grouping based on topic or campaign type.

Collateral builder

The collateral builder is a way to create new content that is consistent with your other pieces of marketing collateral. You don't have to be a savvy graphic designer to create brand guideline consistent collateral and you have the ability to update marketing collateral as needed.

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